In her private world -- the world of a self-taught artist, the three blooms of narcissus reminded her of three Vietnamese school girls before 1975, sweet and innocent. All in pastel colors, like that touch of nostalgia...Trong thế giới riêng tư của cô — thế giới tự học, có ba đóa tiểu thủy tiên (narcissus). Đây là loài hoa tôi rất ưa thích vì cái mộc mạc dịu dàng và nhỏ bé của nó. Ba bông thủy tiên này...Những bông hoa thanh tao bé nhỏ này làm cô nhớ đến hình ảnh ba nữ sinh Việt Nam quấn quýt bên nhau trước 1975. Màu trắng tinh khiết ẩn chút xanh xanh mơ màng hắt lên từ lá, nhụy hoa màu vàng anh tươi mà nhã, xen giữa những cọng lá dài và xanh — có cọng vươn thẳng đầy nhựa sống, có cọng ẻo lả nghich ngợm. Tất cả là màu sắc mềm của phấn tiên...

Thursday, January 24, 2013


POETRY-- ENGLISH Thơ Anh ngữ: 

A lover's ballad to him whose name is prisoner-of-conscience
In memory of the fall of Saigon 

To that Vietnamese nobleman
 who has borne his cross, paid his dues, 
for us to move on,
and whom I will never meet            

Love, Life, and Exile

Tình Yêu, Đời Sống và Lưu Đày

DNN copyright 1998
watercolor on paper

In what’s left of a glimpse of life
let me curl up against you
facing the dying sun
feeling your breath upon my hair
in storytelling too sacred to be revealed
the night falls
and the hours pass

I turn to face you
to place my lips on your telling heart
and listen to its beat
tell me tell me please tell me
(the heartbeat of life
like sounds of words and sighs
too fragile to render real
yet too real to surrender)
It tells me
of all the scars and wounds
            nhung la mau do thit roi...

my fingertips are now confirming
on your burning cells and tissues
They tell me
of hunger, hard labor, and torture
            chem tre dan go tren ngan...

my silky lips are now confirming
on every breath you draw
It tells me
of stretched nerves, broken veins, diseases, cold, heat, starvation, all in buried hopes
            Nhung la ray uoc mai ao...

The vines of my arms are now confirming
on your torso and rib cage
They tell me
of days and nights without sleep and food
            long thuong quan tu om o gay mon

The valleys of my hips are now confirming
on your columns of bony legs
They tell me
of humiliation that aims to bend, when legs no longer run
and feet no longer stand
            Nang vua phuc xuong chang thoi nga ra      

No more warrior or nobleman
No more assassin or escapist
No more saint or martyr
Just a being, broken, yet not broken
            Tram nam trong coi nguoi ta...

Solzhenitsyn’s archipelago, your Suoi Mau
All is here
Flower from Hell--King of Orchid DNN copyright 2009
markers & enamel on cardboard, digitally inverted

In silence
and in one held breath
You thrust secrets of human hell onto me
and in me hell bears fruits
then you turn toward the wall
and never talk
Never dream
Just one more day, for the last time

From gulag to love
lies a thousand footsteps of pain

Uyen Nicole Duong
copyright November 2004, 2012

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